No emails sent out from Kotahi (DEV instance)

Hi, we have installed Kotahi and set it as development environment for the moment. When I invite reviewers to peer review, though, invitation emails are not delivered to the email addresses.
I wonder if this is as per design in case Kotahi is a development instance, or if we are missing some configuration.
Any help would be appreciated.

Hi @silvaco have you added your email credentials to the Configuration>Notifications and E-Mail>Emails section?

This is a helpful link to utilise the correct Gmail password key; Sign in with app passwords - Google Account Help

Hi Ryan, I configured the settings as per your instructions (see screenshot attached) and then invited a reviewer but I did not receive any notifications on the reviewer email address.
Can you please assist?

Hi @silvaco, what steps did you follow to invite the reviewer?

If you navigate to the Control panel>Task & Notifications>Notifications and select a template and a receiver are email notifications sent?

Hi Ryan, I did as you suggest, but notifications are still not received. By looking at the system logs they seem to be sent out. Not sure how to check that, though.
At this link here you can see some screenshots of what I did to (1) invite and notify a reviewer, and (2) notify a user of a task.


I don’t believe we have a service for this over and above the email notification records captured in the Control panel (Editor Discussion and/or Task list). But @yannis can confirm.

I assume these emails are not going to spam or being blocked somehow?

Hi Ryan, I am doing some more tests to see whether these notifications are somehow blocked.
Waiting for your colleague to check if you have other notification monitoring services, our sysadmin is asking the following: how does Kotahi send email notifications out? Does it use a default SMTP server connection? If yes, which one?


it uses gmail @silvaco . we dont have other monitoring tools

Thank you Adam for confirming that.
I still have open questions I asked Ryan in my previous post above:

how does Kotahi send email notifications out? Does it use a default SMTP server connection? If yes, which one?

I appreciate if you could help answer those too.


@silvaco when running the server in development, emails are not sent to the actual recipients, but to whatever email has been set through the TEST_EMAIL_RECIPIENT environment variable.

Thank you @yannis, now I can see notifications sent from the Kotahi Dev instance.
@ryan.dix if this isn’t part of the readme or faq guides on gitlab (I haven’t seen that anywhere), it’s perhaps good to include that.

We’ll change how this works in the near future, so that you don’t have to do anything in development. I’ll be adding documentation when that happens.